Sapphire Mountain Miniature and Toy Poodles
Steve and Debbie Euker - (406) 240-9560 or
Books/Videos and other Resources
The Toy & Miniature Poodles
by Janice Biniok
The Complete Poodle
by Del Dahl
Vaccine Guide for Dogs & Cats
What Every Pet Owner Should Know
by Catherin J.M. Diodti, M.A.
Dr. Pitcairn's Complete Guide to Natural Health for Dogs and Cats
by Dr. Pitcairn
Holistic Guide for a Healthy Dog
by Wendy Volhard & Kerry Brown, DVM
Dog Owner's Home Veterinary Handbook
by James M. Giffin M.D. & Liisa D. Carlson, DVM
Poodle Clipping and Grooming
The International Reference
by Shirlee Kalston
The Complete Poodle Clipping and Grooming Book
by Shirlee Kalston
The Art of Raising a Puppy
How to Be Your Dogs Best Friend
Training Manuals by the Monks of New Skete
Training Books by Cesar Millan
These are some excellent resources for you as a new puppy parent as well as for those who are experienced.
These books and others are available through , or
The Whole Dog Journal ~~~~~~~~~
Dog Fancy
Puppy USA These magazines can be found clicking on the paw
Dog World
Dogs For Kids
Dogs in Review
Dog Training for Children
Training the Companion Dog DVD Series
Dog Training Manuals & DVD Series by Ian Dunbar